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News about the Citrus County Chronicle and their advertising bias.



The Citrus County Chronicle is Not Objective

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the Citrus County Chronicle.  I tried to place an ad in their newspaper section called the Crystal River Current, but my ad was refused. When I questioned why I was told that my website directly competes with their site.

I thought that they were an advertising agency that is trying to help the community find what they were looking for. I called and spoke with the Director of Advertising John Provost to understand why. He flat out told me that the Chronicle would not run any ads that directly competes with them. I said to him that he was not being objective in advertising. I wonder if their reporting is biased as well? How do we Know if they are suppressing stories because it doesn't suit them.

If another company came to me and wanted to advertise on my site with cash in hand, I would look at them as just another paying customer. I would not deny them because they competed with me. I have had a FREE LINK on this site for over 10 years to the Citrus County Chronicle's website with not even a thank you or a link back to me. That link has now been removed as I will not be supporting the Chronicle anymore.

When I asked Mr. Provost about his displaying ads for business that compete with each other all on the same page of the paper he replied, " It's their Prerogative." So in my Opinion The Chronicle looks at their paying customers as suckers and expects them to do it but they are above it all because they have the circulation.

Do you really want to spend your valuable advertising dollars only to be placed on a page with your competitors, from a company who is scared of their own competition? Me either. I will never advertise with the Citrus County Chronicle ever again, and I hope you will not either.

I will offer anyone discounted rates for removing their Advertising Dollars from my competitor and bringing it here. Besides my rates are much more affordable than theirs so there is more value for the money. Please check back as I will be listing a comparative soon.

Do you have an opinion about this? I would love to hear it and will post all of them here. Unbiased I may add. So Mr. Provost if you would like to respond here you can Email me as well and I will post it here (I am not scared of the competition).

Post a comment here.

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